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The Story Behind Inakah: A Journey of Sustainability and Storytelling

My journey to founding Inakah began in a small New Zealand beach town, where weekends were spent poring over vintage Burda magazines with my nana, selecting patterns for our sewing projects. Those early experiences sparked a lifelong fascination with fabrics and artisanal techniques that would eventually shape Inakah's ethos.


As I entered the retail world in my twenties, working for Australian & New Zealand brands, I encountered a reality that didn't align with my expectations. Brands that I believed championed sustainability were using plastic hangers, wrapping stock in disposable plastic bags, and operating warehouses where plastic waste littered the ground and clung to fences. This disconnect between image and practice was a wake-up call.


Inakah emerged from this realization, coupled with my passion for artisanal craftsmanship. Our focus on sustainable materials is a direct response to the waste I witnessed in the industry. These choices reflect our commitment to reducing environmental impact without compromising on quality or style.


My fascination with artisanal techniques, particularly the intricate block prints, embroidery, and paisley designs from India, informs Inakah's aesthetic. There's an antique chest in my home filled with fabrics I've collected over the years - each piece a testament to the skill and creativity of artisans around the world. This appreciation for craftsmanship is woven into every Inakah piece.


Bringing Inakah to life while maintaining a full-time job has been challenging. Most days, my energy is spent at work, leaving little left for Inakah. This has undoubtedly slowed our growth. However, self-funding the brand has allowed us to stay true to our values without external pressures. We're taking measured steps, ensuring each move aligns with our vision of sustainable, artisan-inspired fashion.


Slow Fashion: A Labor of Love


Today, Inakah stands as a testament to thoughtful, intentional fashion. Each piece is designed to tell a story, to be a part of the wearer's journey. We're not in a race against time or trends. Instead, we're creating timeless pieces that grow more beautiful with every wear.


Designing a Sustainable Tomorrow


My commitment to sustainability goes beyond materials and production practices. It's about shifting perspectives and encouraging a deeper connection with our wardrobes. I envision a world where every garment is a treasured companion on life's journey, not a disposable item.


As Inakah grows, I'm keeping it rooted in our core values of sustainability, storytelling, and community. When you choose Inakah, you're not just buying clothes. You're becoming part of a family united by shared values and a love for beautiful, meaningful fashion.


Creating Inakah wasn't just about making clothes; it was about crafting experiences and connections. Every garment is designed with the knowledge that it will become part of someone's life story. Our pieces speak to shared human experiences - from family gatherings to quiet moments of self-reflection.


Ultimately, when you wear an Inakah piece, I want it to feel like an affirmation of who you are and where you come from. It's about standing a little taller, smiling a little wider, and feeling more connected to yourself and the world around you.


Inakah is about honouring traditional techniques, supporting sustainable practices, and offering an alternative to fast fashion. It's a brand born from a childhood love of sewing, shaped by industry realities, and driven by a vision of fashion that respects both people and planet.

As we grow, we're excited to deepen our connections with artisans, particularly in India and from around the world, and to continue exploring sustainable materials and practices.

Inakah is more than a brand - it's a commitment to craft, sustainability, and the belief that fashion can be both beautiful and responsible.

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